INN-PRESSME Consortium meets in Genoa
During the last week of June, partners from the INN-PRESSME consortium met in Genoa, Italy, for the annual meeting. Aside the project meeting, our local partner STAM S.r.l. organised a networking event called “Cultivating the Future in a Smart City: Biomaterials meet Space in Genova!“ engaging the INN-PRESSME community with the members of the Associazione Genova Smart City. Project partners, former astronauts and ESA engineers, local authorities and advisors presented the future opportunities for biomaterials in space.
The event featured distinguished speakers who shared their vision and experiences on sustainability and circularity inspired by the potential of space technologies:
- Daniela Boccadoro Ameri and Giampiero Biamino, President and Executive VP, Genova Smart City Association
- Roberto Cossu, Commercialisation Officer, European Space Agency
- Ulla Forsström, Principal Scientist, VTT
- Franco Malerba, first Italian astronaut, SPACE V Co-founder
- Alfredo Viglienzoni, ICT Advisor, Genova Smart City Association
- Stefania Manca, Sustainability and Resilience Manager, Municipality of Genoa
- Enrico Pochettino, Innovation Director, Gruppo IREN
During the event, we explored national and international examples and case studies, leveraging on multi-disciplinarity and cross-sectorality towards smarter and more sustainable cities.
STAM as ESA Technology Broker for Italy invites all the companies with promising space tech transfer projects to explore the opportunities offered by the European Space Agency – ESA Spark Funding in coordination with the Agenzia Spaziale Italiana.