Current status

The pilot line can produce CNC at scales ranging from gram to kg (1L, 5L, 50L, 700L). Combining bio-based feedstock with nano-enabling technologies can an excellent solution to overcome mechanical properties issues and reduce the current dependency on fossil-based resources.


There are only a few providers of CNC worldwide and the lack of providers impedes development of products and processes requiring CNC.

Further development

The production capacity of CNC will increase to 10 kg/day and specific quality of CNC, yield, selectivity and residual stream characterisation will be determined for the pilot line.

Benefits for companies and SME’s

The pilot line will deliver amounts of CNC large enough for process and product development. Organisations with potential starting materials can also collaborate with this pilot line to investigate the suitability of their raw material for CNC production. Furthermore the pilot line aims to have a scalable process with a commercially relevant product to support decision making for production scale implementation.

Pilot line 2: application example

Skeleton technologies – Ultracapacitor cells